Saturday, January 14, 2012

What are your secrets? Do they haunt you?

Who in your past knows your secrets? Are you mad at them or afraid they will reveal your tenderness to others? Thus leaving you to be mocked and ridiculed.

Who have you shared your soul with? Is it safe?
What will you do to protect it? How do you protect your soul?

Who knows your secrets?
Did someone just come to mind that makes you nervous?

Whose secrets do you know?
Are they safe with you or do you feel powerful because you know?
Are you embracing their secrets as a weapon and feel a sense of control?

What are your secrets?
Shame? Childishness? Irresponsibility? Betrayer? Selfishness? Liar?

What can your secrets be?
Giver? Provider? Inspirer? Guide? Lover? Healer?
Would you want these secrets known?

If you melt into the courage and reach past the prickly shield you use to protect your vulnerable inside, you will see there is nothing you need protect. The blinding light within you dissolves the unnecessary shelter.

Let your secrets be that you are an anonymous giver, a source of prayer for family, friends and strangers or a wish for peace for those who cross your path.

Your secret is your powerful light. You are hiding your gift from those it would benefit.
By letting your glow emanate past your fearful protection, you will bath those in your thoughts and vicinity with grace and respect.

When anyone shares their love with you they are joining their light with yours. It is impossible to be burned by your own radiance. Resist the impulse to join another if they retreat to the shadows.

Have your secrets be a source of inspiration because they bless the lives of those you encounter.

What are your secrets? Do they haunt you?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Every Broken Hearted Girl Needs a Web Guy

Every girl going through the crisis of a painful breakup while developing her own business will need a web site and a web designer. I suggest a guy. Along with his masterful, graphic design skills, he makes her laugh, calls her ‘dude’ and frequently uses the phrase ‘it’s all good’. Because he sees her potential while heartache is blocking it from her view, he pushes her past the self imposed limits she would have very contently settled for.

Ladies, take my word for it, you don’t need a new boyfriend, what you need is a web guy. If he hosts your site, you get a committed relationship without the drama. He reliably returns all calls and emails, compliments you and gently walks you to the vision your self-confidence is too shell shocked and afraid to believe.

During one of the darkest periods of my life, while I was cowering, licking my wounds, gasping to believe the pain would end, I was presented with a healing gift in a form I never could have designed or imagined. A web guy brought me back to life. He listened to my ideas and, by blending them with his gifts, transformed them into art. His agenda was to fill his canvas using my thoughts as inspiration. He let me go without question when I needed to take a break and was motivated and ready to continue when I recuperated and came back.

Breath taken, speechless, I present to you my websites, and My designer is the insanely talented, passionate, ever patient Danny Glix. (Also referred to by me as ‘Oh Great and Powerful Webmaster’, ‘Sir Glix’, ‘Lestat’, ‘Danny, Danny’ when I was hyperactive and my heartfelt, favorite ‘My Danny.’)

The moral of the story, if your heart is broken and you need to recreate your future and your dreams, start your own business and get a web guy. Not only would I recommend you share mine, I would be deeply grateful because he would receive after giving so much to me. No need to be jealous on this one. Really good web guys can handle lots of girls.